Our team

Hoof tailor since about 15 years, Andreas has a real passion for dairy production. He worships team work. His main goal is to team up with you to optimize the efficiency and improve your animals wellness.
His assets: - In-service training with Mr. Karl Burgy in Wisconsin, USA.
Partnership with Comfort Hoof care and its numerous divisions.
- Regular training in Saint-Hyacinthe
-Frequent professionnal visits of dairy farms.
- Etc.
"Always aim higher." Andreas Remplfer

Team Leader
A very meticulous and professional man, Karl puts a lot of heart into his work. He is attentive to every needs of his clients to serve them better. His ability to have an overall and deepened vision of a project allows him to foresee every needed action and deliver the best final product. From his personality, he cares for a well done and durable work. While being positive and devoted, he is a trustworthy leader.
His assets: - In-service training with Mr. Karl Burgy in Wisconsin, USA.
- Also works for Taillage de Sabots A.R. inc.
- Experienced tinsmith
- 15 years of experience in ventilation.
« Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. »
Pat Riley.
Stéphane is a trustworthy ally. He has an open-minded attitude that makes team work efficient. Also, he always has a little comment to put a smile on your face after a hard day of work.
"Do not wait to be happy to smile, smile instead to be happy"
Edward L. Kramer
Yan is always open to new things and likes to learn. He knows how to put things into perspective and is always a precious help.
" He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein.