You have grooved surfaces with deep lines for a few years? The space between the lines has become slippery with time? This is normal and several factors are responsible.
We can simply add texture over your deep lines. Texturing creates straight lines by hammering the surface. By this simple addition, you considerably increase the traction of your already existing floors.
The distances and thicknesses between the lines have been carefully studied and chosen so that the weight of the animal is well distributed on the hoof. Thus, the health of the hoofs and by the same way of the beast is optimized.
Contact us to discuss the various factors to consider for your choice of finish. The bedding you use, the movements of your herds, the health of the hoofs, the location of the floor are just a few points that we considerate to advise you on concrete grooving and texturing. It will be our pleasure to work in partnership with you!